Nadine Booth Nadine Booth

What the Bursa!?

It seems of late that the bursa is the scapegoat of the medical world. Because of their location, irritability and inherent function, bursae take the fall for a large number of pathologies that tend to go unnoticed, undiagnosed and untreated.

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Nadine Booth Nadine Booth

Optimising Your Pre-Season

The pre-season is a crucial part of physical and mental preparation and has been shown to result in reduced in-season injury rates and enhanced physical performance.

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Nadine Booth Nadine Booth

To Rest or Not To Rest?

To Rest or Not To Rest…There really is no question! P.O.L.I.C.E.R - The new R.I.C.E.R in Acute Sports and Musculoskeletal Injury.

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