Bone Stress Injuries in Runners Part 2
Bone stress injuries (BSIs) are common among runners, resulting from repetitive loading and overuse. These small cracks in the bone can lead to significant discomfort and, if not properly managed, may cause prolonged absence from training and competition. Learn about the top five sites of stress fracture in runners, risk factors, prevention and management strategies in Part 2 of this 2 blog series
Bone Stress Injuries in Runners Part 1
Runners are particularly susceptible to stress fractures due to the repetitive and high-impact nature of their sport. Stress fractures occur when bones are subjected to continuous, excessive force that outpaces the bone's ability to heal and adapt. The continuum of bone stress injuries in runners represents the progression of damage that occurs due to repetitive loading and overuse, and includes 3 stages….
Tennis Elbow Pain
Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis or lateral epicondylalgia, is a common condition that affects the outer part of the elbow, causing pain and tenderness. Despite its name, it is not exclusive to tennis players and can occur in anyone who performs repetitive motions involving the forearm and wrist. It is one of the most common overuse injuries seen in both athletes and non-athletes alike.
Hip Tendinopathies in Women
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy and Gluteal Tendinopathy are common tendon conditions about the hip and pelvis that are both more prevalent in woman. The reasons for this are multifaceted.
Common Running Injuries
Running is one of the most popular and accessible forms of exercise, but due to its highly repetitive and high impact nature, runner’s may be at risk of a whole host of potential injuries. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or just starting out, knowing the common injuries runners face and why they happen can help you stay on track and injury-free.
The Swimmer’s Trio: Shoulder pain, Low back pain and Knee pain
Swimmers are among the most injury-prone athletes due to the repetitive nature of their sport and high training loads. The 3 most commonly reported complaints among swimmers are (in order) shoulder pain, low back pain, and knee pain. These injuries are often linked to the demands of different strokes, poor technique, and overtraining.
Plantar Fascia Pain: A Real Pain in the Heel
If you’ve ever felt that sharp, stabbing pain in your heel, especially first thing in the morning or after sitting for a while, you might be dealing with plantar fasciitis.
Navigating Acute on Chronic Workloads
If you’ve been in the world of sports or fitness for any length of time, you might have come across the terms "acute workload" and "chronic workload." These concepts are vital for athletes looking to optimize performance and minimize injury risk.
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: What You Need to Know
If you've ever experienced a nagging pain in the back of your thigh and on your sit bone, particularly during activities like running or sitting for long periods, you might be dealing with proximal hamstring tendinopathy
Groin Pain: The DOHA hip Classification
Our groins are complex but strong structures that contain some of the most powerful muscles in our body. Unfortunately, the wide variety of probable causes for hip pain means an accurate diagnosis can be often difficult or missed…
Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee osteoarthritis is a very common cause of knee pain and is also one of the most seen chronic musculoskeletal conditions treated by physiotherapists. It is also highly manageable, and conservative options such as physiotherapy can be highly effective in managing your symptoms, increasing your function and improving your quality of life.
The Specifics of Non-Specific Low Back Pain
Did you know that back pain is one of the most common conditions that affect Australians every year? Find out more about the specifics of the type of low back pain that affects 95% of sufferers
What the Bursa!?
It seems of late that the bursa is the scapegoat of the medical world. Because of their location, irritability and inherent function, bursae take the fall for a large number of pathologies that tend to go unnoticed, undiagnosed and untreated.
Imaging & Back Pain - Should I get a Scan?
In Australia, approximately 70-90% of people will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives. Whether or not you should get a scan for your low back pain depends on a variety of factors, but generally speaking, imaging in cases of low back pain is not recommended when your symptoms have been present for less than 12 weeks
Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is pain in the region of the pelvis, and is a very common condition associated with pregnancy - up to 84% of pregnant women experience some degree of PGP or low back pain during pregnancy!
Do I need an X-ray after an Ankle Sprain?
Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries sustained by people of all ages and activity levels. Not every ankle sprain needs an X-ray, so a set of rules has been developed to help determine when an X-ray is needed
Optimising Your Pre-Season
The pre-season is a crucial part of physical and mental preparation and has been shown to result in reduced in-season injury rates and enhanced physical performance.
To Rest or Not To Rest?
To Rest or Not To Rest…There really is no question! P.O.L.I.C.E.R - The new R.I.C.E.R in Acute Sports and Musculoskeletal Injury.