What the Bursa!?
It seems of late that the bursa is the scapegoat of the medical world. Because of their location, irritability and inherent function, bursae take the fall for a large number of pathologies that tend to go unnoticed, undiagnosed and untreated.
Imaging & Back Pain - Should I get a Scan?
In Australia, approximately 70-90% of people will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives. Whether or not you should get a scan for your low back pain depends on a variety of factors, but generally speaking, imaging in cases of low back pain is not recommended when your symptoms have been present for less than 12 weeks
Do I need an X-ray after an Ankle Sprain?
Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries sustained by people of all ages and activity levels. Not every ankle sprain needs an X-ray, so a set of rules has been developed to help determine when an X-ray is needed
To Rest or Not To Rest?
To Rest or Not To Rest…There really is no question! P.O.L.I.C.E.R - The new R.I.C.E.R in Acute Sports and Musculoskeletal Injury.